Guangzhou's exhibition industry demonstrates strong recovery momentum with 76.6 m attendees
In the first half of this year, Guangzhou saw a remarkable revival in its exhibition sector as it hosted 140 key trade and economic expos across the city.
With a combined exhibition area of nearly 5.6 million square meters, these events attracted an astonishing 7.66 million visitors, marking an impressive surge of 2.3 times, 1.8 times, and 8.6 times compared to the figures from the previous year. The overall scale has now surpassed the pre-pandemic levels of 2019.
A standout success was the 133rd Canton Fair, which made a triumphant return to offline mode after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic. The exhibition space expanded from 1.18 million to 1.5 million square meters, drawing over 2.9 million attendees, including 129,000 overseas buyers, who engaged in on-site transactions totaling a whopping 21.69 billion dollars. Notably, the fair accounted for 26.8% of the total exhibition area, 37.8% of the total attendees, and an impressive 56.6% of the overseas visitors in the first half of the year. This milestone signifies that Guangzhou"s exhibition industry is now back on track to full recovery, significantly propelling the city"s economic rebound, particularly in the realm of consumer spending.
Throughout the first half of the year, there were a total of seven exhibitions held in major specialized venues covering an area larger than 100,000 square meters, amounting to a combined exhibition space of 2.86 million square meters, constituting 52% of the city"s total exhibition area.
The cumulative attendance at the Canton Fair, the China (Guangzhou) International Building Decoration Fair, and the China International Beauty Expo approached four million, accounting for more than 50% of the total visitors to exhibitions in the first half of the year. The world"s largest international lighting fair experienced a staggering 147% growth compared to 2019, with the number of exhibitors skyrocketing from 2,000 to 3,300, reaching an all-time high.
Ranked first in Asia for thematic scale, the Guangzhou Design Week exhibited a remarkable growth of 38%, becoming the only event during the first half of the year held in three exhibition halls simultaneously. However, due to overwhelming demand, the China International Pet Show had to regretfully decline participation from nearly 300 companies, as the scale reached an unprecedented 80,000.
In the six months, Guangzhou hosted 108 specialized exhibitions in the productive service sector, representing 77% of all exhibitions. These events spanned 57 industries, including automobile and transportation, industrial equipment, furniture and home decor, healthcare and medical, electronics, and telecommunications.
Since the beginning of the year, Guangzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau and the Guangzhou Commerce & Exhibition Promotion and Service Center have been actively attracting new exhibition projects. So far, they have brought in over 30 high-quality exhibitions, such as the China Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information and Technology Equipment Exhibition, High-end Medical Devices Exhibition, and CPHI China. This marks a new five-year high in terms of newly introduced exhibitions. Among these, 17 new exhibitions have taken place in the first half of the year, with three exhibition companies registering their presence in the city.
According to incomplete statistics, the exhibitions held in Guangzhou during the first six months attracted nearly 250,000 overseas visitors from 213 countries and regions. Notably, over 10,000 overseas buyers have pre-registered for the GTI Asia China Expo 2023.
文、图 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 孙绮曼 通讯员 穗商务宣翻译 | 刘佳慧
来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 戚美青校对 | 潘丽玲
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